She Knows: Access to Autism Services

Get to Know: Kimi Matsumura 

Company/Titles: Chicago Autism Network/ Nonprofit Founder & CEO/ Business Owner/Entrepreneur 

Location: Chicago, IL 

Tell us about your business/job/position: 

Chicago Autism Network strengthens the local autism community by helping families find and afford effective autism therapy and supports. We increase access to autism services by holding free parent workshops and offering financial assistance to help cover the overwhelming costs of therapy and insurance premiums.     

Now do it in 6 words only please: Helping local families access autism services.    

If you had an extra 5 hours a week to spend on your business, where would you invest the time?    

Grant writing and website development.  

What is a goal that you have for your business?   

Currently, we have far more families requesting financial assistance than we have capacity to fund. I hope our growth continues to the point where we can offer support to every family in need.     

Give Us Your Wisdom 

What will you always spend business budget on?    

Awarding grants.        

What is a piece of advice that you have received or read that has stuck with you throughout phases of your career?        

Greatness isn’t built in a day, but one day at a time.    

If you could save readers from one misstep, what would you share?         

Start with a good website! Though it can be expensive to start, a good website will pay for itself.   

Do you have an absolute favorite business tool or resource?       

I love Canva for marketing.        

Connecting Personally  

What is your personal favorite quote or life motto?       

Give more than you take.          

Is there a pipe dream or bucket list item that you are willing to share?          

Someday I want to see Aurora Borealis!    

What is the most significant/impactful purchase that you have made for under $100?        

My Moleskine planner. Physically writing things down helps me stay much more organized.   

Do you read or listen to anything on the regular?         

I frequently have NPR on in the background.       

What else should we know about you?       

I never expected to end up as a nonprofit entrepreneur, but I love doing what I do and am grateful for the many wonderful people who have supported me on this journey.   

How can readers connect with you and follow your journey?  You can connect with Chicago Autism Network at, on Facebook and Instagram.

Prequal Profiles are intended to capture the diverse stories of womxn in business to spread wisdom and create connections. If you would like to be considered for a future profile, please fill out our questionnaire here.


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