8 Ways to Show Your Clients You Care That Are Way Better Than a Starbucks Gift Card 

Clients are the lifeblood of any business, yours included. Yet so many business owners associate new revenue generation with going out and getting more clients. In doing so, they overlook one major thing: the clients they already have.  

Likely 80% of your business comes from 20% of your clients, so it’s incredibly important to continue to focus on your current clients as a sales segment. It’s vital to create systems and processes to ensure your clients feel heard, understood, and cared for throughout their relationship with you.  

Here are eight ways to nurture your client relationships and the client experience – no Starbucks gift cards necessary. 

Invest In Your Onboarding Program 

You want to start off any client relationship right. And that begins with a thoughtful, informative onboarding program. This is your first opportunity to make good on projected promises and value offered during previous sales conversations.  

Don’t underestimate this opportunity. So many companies do not invest in a strong onboarding program even though onboarding serves as an opportune time to create market differentiation - especially when your new client is moving their work to you.  

Continued Engagement  

This is an ongoing relationship. Consider how you will continue to get to know your customers, their business, and their values throughout the relationship. Really take time to think through how you will spend time together, and ensure that the time is beneficial for all involved.  

Good Communication  

Communication is the bedrock of any good relationship. It’s no different with you and your clients. Think through what clear communication looks like and how regularly you will communicate. When considering ideal communication, consider the type, frequency, and duration. Think through how it will maintain the flow of insights and advance your clients’ desired outcomes. Also, consider how your customer wants to communicate. There are so many avenues, platforms, and communication channels these days. Don’t assume you know which will work best for your client or how they prefer to keep the lines of communication flowing.  

Responsible Pricing and Investment 

Your client’s payment to you is an investment in themselves and their business. You need to be a responsible steward of their financial resources. One step beyond, you also want to proactively consider their costs, fees, and the value exchanged. Nothing can turn a business relationship sour faster than a distrust between parties related to pricing.  

Getting To Know Them, Getting To Know All About Them 

How well do you know your clients? We’re not saying that you need to be on a first-name basis with their spouse or know their dog’s birthday. Sure, those are nice touches, but what business intel do you have on them? The more you know about their business, industry, competitors, and key stakeholders, the better your client relationship will be.  

Keeping Dialogue Open 

You cannot expect to have your clients come to you with every thought or concern they have. That’s why collecting data and feedback regularly from your clients and customers has significant long-term benefits. It allows you to stay top of mind and spot opportunities and problems proactively. Stakeholder interviews will accomplish all these objectives and should absolutely be a part of your client experience program.  

Dealing With Disruptions 

Nothing ever goes 100% according to plan. However, how you deal with disruptions, disagreements, mistakes, unexpected changes, and miscommunication will go a long way to fostering good relationships with your clients. It’s not a matter of if, but when a disruption will occur. Your response will mean everything to your client.  

Appreciation and Recognition 

Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Your clients are no different. And they deserve your appreciation. Without them, you wouldn't have a business to run or an income to speak of. Think through how you're going to show your gratitude. You want to say thank you. You want to celebrate their wins. You want to showcase that they are important to you. A good CX strategy will help you determine how to show your appreciation and recognition. And yeah, that might even include the occasional Starbucks gift card, but it should include so much more. 


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