She Knows: How to Learn Marketing from the Best and Charcuterie Boards

Get to Know: Erin Jaros

Title: Intern

School:  University of Iowa, Anticipated Graduation May 2022

Education: BBA Marketing, Minor in Human Relations

Extracurriculars: Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, Member-American Marketing Association

Favorite Quote: “Treat others as you would want to be treated.”

Career Aspirations in 6 words: Deliver value in marketing and HR.

What drew me to Prequal?

I am new to the professional and business worlds as I am just starting out in my marketing career. Having mentors that created a brand with an image such as Prequal’s is something I really look up to and am thankful to be working alongside. Prequal serves women, women-owned businesses, and entrepreneurs and having been exposed to that has made me very hopeful and inspired for my own future as a businesswoman. I wanted to work with Prequal because of the mission, empowerment, and community I felt when I first visited the website.

What’s your superpower?

My superpower is listening and giving advice. If I hadn’t gone the business school route, I might have ended up in a counseling profession. Maybe it comes from the fact that I have two little sisters who look to me for guidance, but I love being someone that people know they can rely on.

What do I hope to learn from Prequal?

From this internship, I am hoping to learn the ins and outs of the professional marketing world, how to present myself as a confident businesswoman, networking strategies, and ultimately start seeing myself as a capable marketing consultant. I hope to learn more about how to optimize company websites and social media platforms in order to effectively reach clients and prospective clients. Additionally, I am hoping to learn a lot about myself. I want to push myself and see what I can do!

Misstep turned lesson learned:

One misstep that has turned into a lesson learned for me was the minor that I declared in my freshman year at college: Event Management. I quickly learned after two semesters that this minor was not for me; however, I loved the experience that I gained. The lesson I learned about myself was that I wanted more structure and order to the future career that I wanted to pursue. I still do love planning and executing events, but as a career, I know I could not do only that.

Social Links:


The best way to reach me is probably through my school email which I frequently check:

Dream location that I would want to live post-college: 

Safe answer: Chicago, IL -which is close to my family and I am comfortable with

Bold answer: Denver, CO; Seattle, WA; or Boston, MA

Stories relating to the pictures:

Nicaragua will always hold a special piece of my heart for as long as I live. My family and I have been twice, and hope to be back again soon. We have been lucky enough to be part of a mission group that has worked with the community to rehab two schools. This included cleaning up, painting beautiful bright colors onto the walls, and my favorite part- playing in the courtyard with the students. I truly cannot wait to go back again, hopefully soon!

Charcuterie is one of those quarantine hobbies that my dad and I picked up in 2020. We love to play around with the different ways in which you can lay out and pair the combos! It is almost like our own form of art.

Prequal Profiles are intended to capture the diverse stories of womxn in business to spread wisdom and create connections. If you would like to be considered for a future profile, please fill out our questionnaire here.


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