Step 4: Audit Your Network
Guess what? You’re officially more than halfway through this challenge. Not too hard yet, right? (If you’re hating or loving, feel free to email us here and let us know. We love feedback!)
You most recently defined your target market and value proposition, so now it's time to audit and score your network. This, as they say, is where the magic happens.
Your Network Is Your Biggest Asset
Your network is comprised of anyone who might be interested in you, your success, your product, or service. Those people can include current and past clients, referrals, and industry contacts. Heck, maybe even your mom. You will need at least 20-30 minutes to work through today’s worksheet, and we’ll get to it in a second.
But let’s start here:
The key to an effective sales strategy and accelerating your sales plan is to focus on the WHO - your network of relationships. Good, effective sales practices are built on authentic relationships.
While attracting new potential buyers is important, maintaining and nurturing existing relationships to generate revenue is equally important. Most individuals who want to accelerate sales and increase profits already have prospective buyers in their network. Starting with your existing relationships is the quickest way to accelerate the sales process because proactive/outbound sales require some form of a relationship.
Your task for today is to audit your network, which is a fancy way of saying you’ll be identifying potential leads and scoring them. To do this, you’re going to use Prequal’s Network Audit Worksheet. This will become one of your most powerful sales tools. And if you think this is good, you should see the supercharged one we include in our course.
Give yourself some time to fill it out, ideally 20-30 minutes. You’re going to want to think through the people you know personally and professionally.
Speaking of people, you know (or should by now), don’t forget your new Prequal network. Our FB community is here for you too.
See you in the next exercise when we start qualifying your leads and getting you SO CLOSE to your next sale.