Welcome to Your Simple 7-Step Sales Plan

This is your new roadmap to sales success. We are so glad you signed up. Get ready to make some sales!

We’re going to help you see how easy it is to build a sales plan, and more importantly, how crucial a sales plan is. It is THE THING that will lead to making more sales, more reliably. The Prequal 7-Step Sales Plan is your key to unlocking your next sale, and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that... 

Within these 7 steps, you’ll get our expert advice and actionable tips to help you improve your sales skills, target new revenue goals, create an action plan, and then implement it. The Prequal sales methodology focuses on adopting a proactive and intentional way to increase the predictability of your sales using assets you currently have – mainly your network.  

Your network may be much stronger than you think. We’ll get there... 

Before we dive into step one, let’s take a moment to get into the right sales mindset. 

There are several truths you need to accept if you want to be successful and more effective at sales. We always begin with two truths. Regardless of your product or service you sell, customers are really only buying two things:

  1. Expected outcomes

  2. Good feelings

They want to get or achieve the thing you say you can deliver, and they want to feel good about it. It’s as simple as that – outcomes and good feelings.

That means in order for your sales plan to be effective and fruitful, you need to account for these sales truths:

  • Sales has to be about the exchange of value – What do they get for what they’re paying for?

  • Sales must be informed and full of preparation at every stage. – Sales can be predictable. There are markers in every sales-focused relationship and tools you can use every step of the way to drive outcomes and generate revenue.

  • Sales must be customer centric. – Selling is not about how great you are at what you do. It’s about what your customer needs. 

How does this sit with you? Does this feel different from how you approach sales or have thought about selling in the past? Do you think of sales as a numbers game – the more offers you make the more yeses (and nos!) you’ll get? We want to know.

Post this statement in our group, and let’s talk:

Sales and selling makes me feel (your response here).

If you're ready, move onto step one click on the step one lesson below.

But if you’re not, here are a few additional resources to get you in the right sales mindset.  

Getting clear on the product or service you want to sell.

Set revenue goals and define what your win looks like.

Getting clear on the product or service you want to sell.

It’s time to audit and score your network.

With step 4 complete, now you can turn your list into your sales action plan.  

In this exercise, we're going to talk about how to have effective conversations with your prospects.

In this exercise, we're going to create a simple action plan to help you drum up potential sales through existing relationships and specific next steps.

You completed Your Simple 7-Step Sales Plan.

When you sign up, you’ll receive all of these downloadable worksheets to help you find your next sale.